L’evento si terrà presso:

L’aula Alfa (piano terra) del Dipartimento di Informatica
dell’Università “La Sapienza” a Roma, Via Salaria 113.



14:15 Arrivo partecipanti

14:30 Thomas Grasso – FBI- A collaborative approach to cyber-security: Examples of partnerships to fight cybercrime

(Intervento in lingua inglese)

The presentation will discuss current cyber security threats and give examples of how the bad guys (cyber criminals) use collaboration to orchestrate and accomplish complicated cybercrime schemes.  I will discuss how collaboration and partnerships are essential for the good guys and give examples of current partnerships (such as the NCFTA) .  I will also discuss cases where collaboration between private sector and law enforcement was essential.

Tom Grasso has been an FBI Agent since 1998 and has worked for the FBI’s Regional Computer Crime Squad in Chicago and the High Technology Crimes Task Force in Pittsburgh.  He has also served as the FBI Liaison to the CERT/CC at Carnegie Mellon University.  Tom is now part of the FBI’s Cyber Division and is assigned to the National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance (NCFTA) in Pittsburgh, a joint partnership between law enforcement, academia, and industry.  Tom is also an Adjunct Professor of Criminology at La Roche College in Pittsburgh.

Tom is currently the Cyber Division representative to the FBI Legal Attaché in Rome.

16:00 Break

16:15 Dott. Giuseppe Nucci – Ufficio delle Dogane – Ufficio Centrale Audit Interno

L’internal audit nelle amministrazioni pubbliche

17:30 Domande e curiosità

18:00 Chiusura lavori

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